Level up as a growth leader

Expand your peer circle and skills with Flightpath Growth Leaders, building alongside members actively scaling teams in tech and venture.

Exclusive to early stage growth and later stage growth companies. Growth Leaders membership is $49/mo.

Learn by doing, practice with peers

Growth Leaders are organized in stage-based, member-led groups to develop skills, build accountability and offer peer support.

Where peers become allies

Flightpath unites members as peers to tackle current challenges as they grow across different functional leadership roles.

Peers with shared context

Whether you’re leading your first team, scaling a product division, or leading your tenth startup, the best way to build is alongside others who’ve done it before (and still doing it now).

Build trust in core groups

After completing a few assessments, you'll be placed into a core group (5-8 members). Each core has a private space and at least one monthly meeting to share what's keeping you up at night.

Expand your local circle

Chances are, you're involved in a meetup, sharing best practices with peers in your own backyard. Flightpath helps expand limited local circles, adding growth leaders across communities and stages.

No cohorts, no programs

You've already got your hands full building a company. Beyond a monthly core group forum, we keep things simple - no cohorts, no schedule. Full access to sessions, tools (and support) as you need it.

Not (another) mentorship program

Your peer circle should evolve with you. Accelerators and coaching programs require time you don't have. We focus on community that builds lasting relationships you can rely on, when you need it.

Your growth leadership journey, on your terms

Slack groups get messy, while online courses get skipped. We keep things flexible for our members to engage, from group calls to hosted roundtables to masterclasses - all hosted in one place.

Group call

Each month, you'll meet with your core group for a 90-minute call. These are private forums for self-directed, supportive learning, and idea exchange.

Peer roundtables

Participate in peer roundtables for up to 12 members, curated by role/stage. Members connect through discussion on a range of themes and topics.

Deep dive panels

Enlist small advisory panels of fellow members to deep dive into your business. You pick the topic and dates, we'll assemble the panel and session.


You'll have ongoing access to on-demand and live sessions and workshops. Masterclasses are developed with peer members and global experts.

Basecamp retreats

Basecamps are full-day, in-person leadership workshops. Each camp aligns to a specific role (Sales, Product, Operations) with no more than 30 attendees.

Growth support

We provide members with tools, self-assessments and 1:1 roadmapping sessions to help you set a course, working with what you have today.

Take the next step

Questions? Browse our FAQ or reach out

Flightpath Growth Leaders membership starts at $49/mo

1:1 roadmap session and self-assessments to map growth path

Assigned to a core group (monthly forum, private space)

Access to group chats, expert sessions, community events

For early-stage growth and later-stage growth companies

Subscribe (it's free!) and be the first to know



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